
weXelerate, Home of Innovation

Event venue in Wien

weXelerate, Home of Innovation Eventspaces in the Heart of Vienna

weXelerate, Home of Innovation - Event spaces in the Heart of Vienna

Language(s) Exposé:

Facts and figures

Venue type:
Event venue
Rental fee:
Minimum consumption:
no minimum consumption
Number of rooms:
Largest room:
300 m²
[Rooms and spaces in detail]
Designed by star architect Jean Nouvel in 2010 the building is the headquarter of weXelerate, home of innovation since 2017. We host your event in a modern and stylish atmosphere and can introduce you to the world of innovation.
Rental period
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun PH
am Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked
pm Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked Checked
No further restrictions.
Suitable for the following occasions
  • CheckedCompany event
  • CheckedConference
  • CheckedConference / Convention
  • CheckedMedia event
  • CheckedMeeting
  • CheckedProduct presentation or roadshow
  • CheckedSeminar or training
Venue type(s)
  • CheckedConference venue
  • CheckedEvent venue
  • CheckedFunction room
  • CheckedVenue
Venue type(s)
  • Checkedcontemporary
  • Checkedfunctional
  • Checkedsophisticated
Contact details