
Landgasthof zum Herzog Ludwig

Wedding venue in Friedberg/ Harthausen

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Language(s) Exposé:

Rooms and spaces

Total rooms and spaces:
Largest indoor space:
260 m²
Total inside spaces:
400 m²
Square feet biggest outside space:
90 m²
Total outside areas:
120 m²

Total capacity

Max. capacity - standing:
Max capacity - seated:
Room size: Max. PartyParty Max. with theatre seatingRow Max. with classroom seatingClassr. Max. with u-form seatingU-shape Max. with table style seatingBlock. Max capacity table style seatingTable Max. wit banquet seatingBanquet. with daylight.Daylight Accessible by carCar


Unser Festsaal 250 150 200 100 0 60 150 150 Checked Unchecked

Unser gemütliches Gourmetstüberl

Rehrücken unter der Nusskruste 
<br/>mit Sellerie und Parmesan 70 0 0 0 30 30 50 0 Checked Unchecked
Contact details

You will get technical information and assistance from the experts of our support team.

Phone: +49 941 123456 (local rate for calls from german landlines) Monday to Friday 9:00 to 18:00 o'clock.

Of course, you can also use free of charge
our form for e-mail support:

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